Vega on Trial.

I caved.

My Vega Sampling

I hear the blogosphere talking up Vega products all the time, so I’m always curious when walking down the supplement aisle.

The drill looks like so: I pick up a container of Vega. I read the nutrition facts. Looks good! But then I see the price. HOLY EXPENSIVE. It’s at least double the price of my normal 365 Brand whey powder. And so I put it back and move on.

But last week Vega was on sale. With large containers $7 off, I decided an experiment was worth it. So I took home a few mini-packs and slugged smoothies. Here’s what I thought:

Vega One Chocolate

Warning: a serving is A LOT of powder. I usually blend my protein shakes with fruit, but chocolate has always been the exception. I threw the packet contents in the shaker cup with the recommended 8 oz almond milk and it didn’t leave much room at the top of my 16 oz container. After shaking, it was still chunky and I had to add more milk.

But once we got the powder to mix in, the chocolate flavor was spot on. The drink was borderline milkshake thick, and maybe faintly grassy? Still delish. I had it for breakfast with a small side of oatmeal (1/3 cup) and stayed full until lunchtime.

Vega One Vanilla Chai.  

I wised up this time and used the VitaMix to blend my drink. I added just a smidge of frozen banana and loved the flavor. Again, you could pick up an earthiness, but I don’t think it was a deal breaker.

Shake and Go Smoothie in Tropical Tango.

Wow. This is really good. I blended mine with almond milk and frozen peaches/banana. It felt like I should be sipping it on the beach.


Warning: the powder is slightly green. The drink is…you guessed it…slightly green. It ain’t pretty–see anecdotal photo to the left–but my it tastes good.


Vanilla Almondialla

Ditto the above. This has a strong almond flavor that makes it truly different from any protein powder I’ve ever had. And the two servings of veggies–well that just won my heart.

I high-tailed it back to Whole Foods and bought the two Shake and Go flavors while they were still marked down. And now I’m in smoothie paradise.

What’s your favorite protein powder? Clearly I’m up for experimenting!

2 thoughts on “Vega on Trial.

  1. I’ll have to try the shake & go ones. Those look great! My fav protein powder is called Life’s Basics by a company called Lifetime. It has pea, hemp, rice & chia protein along with a ton of different greens. The taste is good too. I usually blend it with a banana & almond milk.
    All these great vegan options- so awesome!!!

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